Current Activity
Environment Kirklees is currently working on the following projects: the Greenstreams Project, Green Drinks, the Waste & Resources project (KWRNET), Go To Town (the clean-up programme) and contributes to the Cycling & Walking Strategy.
Cycling & Walking Strategy
Kirklees Council's Scrutiny Committee recently discussed a report on progress with the Walking and Cycling Strategy (Economy & Neighbourhoods, 27th February). Director Chas Ball, leading a delegation to the committee and presented the case for a more ambitious cycling and walking plan to meet the challenges of a Climate Emergency.
John Lewis, Chair, Kirklees Cycling Campaign pointed out to the committee that, if to encourage a permanent shift to cycling, there is a need for better and safer links into and out of the town centre. Poor facilities for cycling to local services and to the town centre in new housing developments, like in Lindley, contributes to the widespread use of cars. Plans for new housing developments like Dewsbury Riverside were concerning.
Director Jeff Keenlyside represents EKL and Greenstreams on the Colne Valley Cycle Route Working Group. Chas Ball represents Huddersfield Civic Society.
On 2nd June, Richard Armitage (Manchester Bike Hire & Last Mile Logistics) is presenting several examples of popularising cycling through infrastructure improvements and behaviour change. He will cite examples from Manchester and from other parts of Europe at a Huddersfield Civic Society open meeting.
For more information on Kirklees Cycling Campaign, Click here.
Green Drinks
Environment Kirklees also supports Green Drinks: Huddersfield & the Valleys, a group which has met most months in 2018 and 2019 . The group discusses key environmental issue practical projects and potential solutions.
The group meets at Café Ollo, Media Centre, Northumberland Street, Huddersfield HD1 1RL usually on the second Tuesday of each month (apart from January and summer) from 17.30 – 19.30. The theme is presented from 18.00 with time for networking beforehand and questions afterwards.
Details of the next Green Drinks are on Home or News pages. The full 2020 programme is still under development but where speakers have been agreed it is included in Planned Projects.
Meetings are arranged using and you can join the mailing list by subscribing using the link below.
Click here to go to Green Drinks Meet Up