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  • Writer's picturechasball

Climate Conference - Transport & Planning

Speaking on transport at the "Leap into Climate Action" conference on 29th February, Chas Ball argued that reducing the impact of the car on our communities is an essential part of reducing transport emissions. "To get people out of their cars will require better alternatives - better bus services, rail services, and safer walking and cycling facilities" he said.

He proposed adoption of a 2025 and 2030 target for cycling at 5% of trips with a modal aiming at more use of public transport and walking and reducing car use.

In preparing an overview on transport, mobility and planning he suggested the creation of a consortium of civil society organisation to work together.

The conference, which was well attended was organised by Kirklees Climate Emergency Group (KCEG) and opened by Car Shabir Pandor (Leader, Kirklees Council) and John Harman (former Chair of the Environment Agency and former leader of Kirklees Council).

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