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  • environmentkirklees

Recycling Consultation and new National Strategy

Updated: Feb 26, 2019

Kirklees Council will begin a consultation on the future of its waste and recycling strategy later this year. Councillors were given an outline of the short term and long term plans on 16th January.

The publication of the government’s National Waste & Resources Strategy in late December has added to the significance of this review. Future plans will need to incorporate collection of food waste and green waste. It may also need to improve the quality of recyclables to ensure there is a market for them to be reprocessed.

Kirklees Council is considering new arrangements for its whole waste management – collection and disposal as a new contract to be awarded from 2023. Currently the disposal contract is held by Suez.

Environment Kirklees is planning a day conference on all aspects of waste and resources.

The date of the conference and the full programme will be published in the near future. To find out more and to register for email updates regarding the conference and other Environment Kirklees news, click here to go to the Conference event page on our website.

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