Contact Us
Phone: 01484 428880
(Please note the office is usually staffed on Tuesdays)
Office address: 7, Lion Chambers, John William Street, Huddersfield HD1 1ES
Facebook: @envkirklees @greenstreams
Twitter: @envkirklees @greenstreamsWY
Get Involved
Be a Greenstreams Volunteer:
Want to get your hands dirty or help in other ways?
Sign up to be a volunteer today – see the form on
To report a pollution incident, contact the Environment Agency immediately on 0800 807 060.
To report fly-tipping, contact Kirklees Council Fly-tipping Hotline 01484 414700
To report crime including wire burning, contact the Police on 999 for emergencies or 101 for non-emergencies.
We have provided links to the websites and twitter of other local (and a few national) environmental organisations:
Aire & Calder Catchment Partnership
Huddersfield Friends of the Earth
Campaign for Rural England (West Yorkshire)
HoTT (Holmfirth Transition town)